Wednesday, October 10, 2007

A Little Warning!

Well I've never had any trouble with the law before...that is until today! I was bored with my usual airport viewing area so I decided to look around for a better spot. I found an awesome place behind an empty hangar! Well I parked my car and was able to see the planes actually glide down the strip and even could see which terminal they steered towards. I was carelessly talking to Dan Browne on the phone for about 10-15 minutes when I noticed the Sheriff's car coming my way rather quickly. Ah Crap! I knew I was going to be in trouble. Apparently Airport Security noticed me and called the cops! I was lucky to just get a verbal warning not to come back here and I apologized. To be honest with you, I don't think the sheriff really cared but you know how the FAA is!


Anonymous said...

You have never got caught by the law but have done some illegal stuff. Well... pranks anyway. I know I was there. Really I would not go back to the airport for a few days. Next time learn to read when it says "no trespassing."

Anonymous said...

You could have been on cops.

Bill Blackrick said...

there were no signs...and it was behind a public business. It might not be good for my personel committee review if I was on cops! however...might draw some people to church to see the youth pastor who was wrestled down to the ground after being tasered and bit by a german shepherd!