Monday, October 8, 2007

Numbing Down?

This past Saturday Jessica and I went to Sarasota Jungle Gardens Park for a time of relaxation and fun. We both had a great time watching many different animals. Jessica even got to hold a 4 foot alligator! The most interesting thing for me was the flamingo exhibit there. These flamingos acted like they didn't even care about the human presence. I was actually able to sneak up on one while it was sleeping! After it woke up it gave a very nice pose for my camera!

This got me thinking that these wild birds who are instinctively afraid of humans have been numbed due to overexposure. Are we as humans the same way? We have been exposed to the world so much over the years that we are becoming like the flamingos and not fearing sin, immorality, injustice, and evil around us. We are not to love the world or the things in it says 1 John 2:15-17. I love the illustration on how to boil a frog. If you wanted to boil a live frog you can't simply drop it in boiling water because it will feel the heat and jump out immediately. You have to place him in cold water and gradually raise the temperature to boiling and he will never jump out. We humans have been slowly boiling in this world and are getting more and more numb to the spiritual battle that is before us. Don't be like this flamingo!

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