Sunday, December 23, 2007

Some Random Thoughts

Here are some random thoughts about the year in review, New Year's resolutions and goals.

This year was a year of transitions. I moved from my job at the funeral home to being back in full-time ministry at Bayshore Baptist Church in Bradenton, Fl. I am now the Youth and Music Minister here. Check out what FUSION is all about by clicking here.

I am now 26!

I enjoy life a lot more than before!

during this past year I have become more inquisitive on politics and society due to the fact that I had a 3000 dollar tax bill this year and got curious as to how government spends money. now I'm addicted to talk radio especially the Schnitt Show.

I began writing my book about Death this year but have put it off for some time now. I need to finish it before I die.

Jessica and I had to put our beloved cat Lucy to sleep due to the fact that she couldn't fight her infections and she was starving herself to death. (Lucy lost her immune system due to a herpes infection at birth)

We were given a cute little cat named Millie and we are growing to love her just as we did Lucy

Well, that's about all I can say about that...Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Everyone!


Anonymous said...

Death and taxes. Sounds like you are getting down to the certainties of life. Merry Christmas.

Jake Belder said...

You're 26? That means when you preached the revival in Alaska you were 19? Wow. Where in AK were you?

Unknown said...

Bill, If You get that book written I would love to preview it! I too have ideas for writing a book, but just need to get started. At 34, I have a little less time then you do to get it done! ( ;

Bill Blackrick said...

thank you all...I was 18 when I preached. I was in a small community call King Salmon, AK which is on the peninsula.