Sometimes I wonder what goes on in the minds of criminals that drives them into doing what they do. I am quickly reminded by God that we are all sinners and we are living in the law of sin in us and the fact that no human is "good" (see Romans 7:14-25). No matter how good you may think you are and how good someone else might be the truth is that we are ALL capable of doing evil, criminal things.
We had apparently had a break-in at our church over the weekend. The thieves did not steal money, electronics, etc.they stole food! Our fellowship hall is not under the security system so our huge commercial fridge stocked with meats for Wednesday Supper, milk and juices, and other various kitchen supplies were wiped clean! It's like a college fraternity came home for the weekend. WHY? Why they broke in for food i don't know. Are humans getting so corrupt that not even a church is safe from violence? I see it in the news all the time with the recent shootings and fires during worship. It is sad that the one place people can turn to for assistance now has to have a high-tech alarm system to keep people out.
I agree that it is important to secure the valuables that are a part of God's House. The issue is that the CHURCH HAS NOT DONE ITS PART IN KEEPING OUR SOCIETY FROM BEING THIS EVIL!!!!! Now its coming back to bite us (sorry for the food pun) in the butt!
on a side note...I'm pretty mad that they got my chocolate donuts!
Wow! Sorry to hear about this. Sure glad nobody was hurt. As for the doughnuts, maybe it's time for a Krispy Kreme run!! Just make sure the hot light is on when you go. David
we unfortunately are not blessed with a Krispy Kreme around here
Well... maybe there is a need for a "food" minisry in the church or your area.
You must be pretty desperate to eat if your willing to steal food. Why not leave some non-perishables on the back step? Maybe with a note?
the reality is that we live in a growing homeless area...we get people almost everyday wanting food or money...our church does not have the resources for this...when we did have a food bank...the homeless began lodging on our campus at night causing more threats...we use a religious service in town that "scans" the requests of the needy to make sure they are for real and not just going from church to church getting handouts.
okay. first of all, sorry to hear about the theft. and the doughnuts, especially sad day.
however, on a side note: you asked if i had ever heard of/read donald miller's stuff - yes, i have...not too shabby. but here's something fun you may or may not have caught wind of yet: Blue Like Jazz The Movie. Yeap. It's true...
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