Monday, February 11, 2008

I Just Didn't Feel It

Yesterday (Sunday) was very odd for me in church. I just didn't feel anything! As a worship leader I should be the first person to be in the spirit of worship but I just wasn't. Why? I have no idea and believe me, the possible reasons kept running through my mind all through the singing, prayers, and sermon. I addressed this with Jessica on the way home from church and she thought the service was great! Was the problem with me? Was the problem with the congregation? I decided to post this personal problem because others I know have done this before. Who cares if I felt something! Worship isn't about what I feel (at least true worship) Any comments?


Anonymous said...

I have to be honest... wait no I don't.

Tons of things effect us when it comes down to it. I questioned myself last night with the youth and Beck said I did a good job. I thought I failed. I still think I failed.

Worship is about the condition of your heart and how it relates to God.

Anonymous said...

is it really about the condition of your heart, or conversely, the unconditional love of God. I personally think there is a big difference, because if it was up to my heart, than I certainly would not be able to worship in spirit and truth a LOT of the time.


Bill Blackrick said...

Very true guys, thanks

Anonymous said...

I understand exactly where you are coming from. Sometimes I think it is a silence on God's part. I do believe that he withdraws from us on occasion to help us to grow.

As a worship minister I have been exactly where you are at and I really don't have an answer other than to say that feeling won't last.

Sometimes for me it is just because I haven't been in the right place myself for whatever reasons. A lot of pressure was on me for everything to be perfect and I had to learn to worship through it. As Hebrews 13:15 says "Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that confess his name." Keep on praising him!