Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Wisdom From A Cracker Jacks Box

I always seem to find significance in the small things in life. I enjoyed a snack of Cracker Jacks yesterday, it had been a while and someone left some in the Fellowship Hall here at church so I grabbed them. Anyways...It was the prize inside that struck my interest. When I was a kid, the prize was actually a toy of some sort or maybe even a temporary tattoo, but all I got was a piece of paper with a picture on it that you are supposed to tape on your pencil as a "topper"

being rather irritated (I mean, who uses pencils anymore?) I was going to toss it all when I noticed some writing on the back of the prize wrapper about pencils. It says:

"Fun Fact" - A typical pencil can write 45,000 words or draw a continuous line for 35 miles! Having that information to me was more valuable than the pencil topper itself. I have a tendency to ponder on the meaning of ordinary things (see the oyster cracker post) so I came up with a spiritual comparisons on the Christian life and pencils.

1. I rarely use pencils...Christians rarely use God, the Bible, Prayer, Faith, etc.
2. Pencils need to be sharpened to work properly...Spiritual disciplines sharpen our lives to
help us fight the battle as is mentioned in Ephesians 6:10-20.
3. A good feature about pencils is that you can erase mistakes...God erases our sins when we
repent and ask forgiveness, bringing us back into right fellowship with Him.
Just as the fact that pencil can draw a line about 35 miles has to continually be pressed down and moving, keeping it s sharpness, and not quit working. Paul addressed this idea of perseverance in 1 Corinthian 9: 19-27 by using a race illustration. A runner must keep himself in training for the race, run with all the intention of winning the prize, and to win means he must finish. Are you quitting your race? Is your spiritual life dull and need sharpening? Almost all pencils get thrown away before their usefulness is over. We as Christians should not quit running this race in life, "keep on keeping on" as they say!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great post Bill!

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'll be reading yours as well.
