Wednesday, January 9, 2008

"I Don't Mean to be Racist, But..."

I get an occasional glance on my blog from my own church members and I appreciate you out their. Over my short term in ministry, every church I have been in has either directly or indirectly had problems with racism. To set the record straight...I am not racist, prejudice, or think I am better than any other ethnicity in the world. After all, Jesus was not a "white male" either. Growing up in a growing city in south Florida, I have been accustom to all kinds of races at school, work, and church. When I moved into the "Bible Belt" this all changed.

While serving in one particular church, my wife and I were victims of a road rage and bullets hit us...Of course the gossips started flying through church and almost everyone who came up to me and asked me questions about it first started off by asking..."Were they black people?" "Nope! They were as white as you and me" I responded watching the shock on their faces that a crime was committed by one of their own kind and not a black person.

I have also heard horror stories of churches in the Bible Belt telling a black person to go worship down at the "Black Church" That enrages me to no end. How can "Christians" do this?

The Church I serve in now is different, there are many different races and ethnic backgrounds represented in Worship. We have Haitians, Greeks, English, Canadian, Chinese, African American, Romanian, Hungarian, German, as well as Anglo-American. It's awesome to see so many types of people joining together as one. I want to list some of my "pet peeves" of how Christians show direct or indirect racism:

1. Don't Call it "The Black Church" - They are a church...I'm sure white people are welcome
2. Don't say "I don't mean to be racist, but..." - If there is something that might sound racist or
stereotypical, than it doesn't need to be said.
3. "Them Mexicans" - not all Spanish speaking people are Mexican. If you are white and speak
english does that make you British?
4."Don't Judge Interracial Marriage" - I believe we humans are all one race bonded together by
one faith in one God. How could skin color break that apart? We have a couple of bi-racial
marriages in our church and they are the sweetest people.
5. (this one's left blank for your examples...let's stop this nonsense of racism)


Jake Belder said...
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Jake Belder said...

This type of racism is new to me. Racism exists in Canada, where I'm from, but it is much more understated than it is here in the South. I've seen this stuff on TV, but of course TV is always fallible in its presentation of cultural things like this.

I encourage you to check out Anthony Bradley's blog, Bill. Anthony is a professor at Covenant Seminary in St. Louis, and a research fellow at the Acton Institute. He's got some really good things to say about the black-white cultural relations in America, things which I've learned a lot from. Check out his site here. The black church/white church distinction may be ugly, but I remember a while back he had some thoughts on why it may be unavoidable (not necessarily because of racism).

Bill Blackrick said...

thanks for the tip Jake

Jake Belder said...

That's strange. The link didn't show up. It's

Bill Blackrick said...

thanks man...i was going to ask you about that

Anonymous said...

Very good spiritual reflections with a personal touch. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Racism ticks me off and makes me laugh at the same time. It ticks me off because it's hateful. It makes me laugh because it's ignorant.