Thursday, January 3, 2008

Working or Waiting for the Return?

I posted about being idle in our worship last week. The next question is are we idle in our anticipation of Christ's return? This is not the time for me to share my eschatological views or anything because that's pointless (Matthew 24:36) The Bible does warn us not to be idle in anticipation.

The Gospel of Matthew deals with this theme. Jesus warns us to be alert and ready (24:42,44) If we know that a guest is coming to stay with us at our house, would we not prepare for his or her coming? Cleaning the house, getting groceries, setting up guest rooms are all preparations that must take place. Why is it that when it comes to Christians, many of us live lives not preparing for his coming? Do you prepare by just coming to church or participating in such and such event? I don't think that's all there is to it! Jesus continues this idea with the parable of the talents in Matthew 25:14-30. We see that the first two servants WORKED (they left immediately) for their master anticipating his return, the other one WORRIED and hid his money. On the master's return, those who worked were rewarded and the one who didn't was cursed.
It's like the farmer who was lazy...Lightning struck his old barn down and he thought that it was good that he didn't have to tear it down himself, then rain came and washed his truck so he didn't have to. A friend asked him what he was waiting on next...he replied, an earthquake to come and shake these potatoes up from the ground! Christian should stop waiting for others to do the work of bringing in the harvest. Jesus said the harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few. We are to be anticipating his return by bringing the lost to him, not sitting in a pew wondering what the music or the sermon will be like!


Anonymous said...

Wow, Thanks Bill, I needed to hear that. I think there is so much that God is calling me to but I always come up with excuses to be idle.

He is coming soon (very soon!) and we do need to be working even harder to bring people into the Body of Christ instead of making excuses.

Watch for a shout out from!

Anonymous said...

Maranatha. I have learned to love that word and I am constantly reminded that we are to await for His coming. Not sitting in our hands but as you pointed out, working for His glory.

Bill Blackrick said...

Thanks guys...we all need to have this same passion